Tuesday 27 September 2016

September Haul : 20+ BOOKS!!!

Okay so once again I went a little overboard with how many books I bought. I just can't help myself guys it's seriously like an addiction!!! Plus it makes me happy, it's almost like therapy haha. But no it's so bad I'm spending money I don't have on these books so I'm sure in the month of October I will not be buying. My mum is even having a go at me now because it's so much but my argument back to her is at least I'm not going out spending my money on drugs and alcohol and partying and doing all kind of stupid shit that people my age would.

So this month I ended up buying 24 books.

Two of the following books contain two books in one which of course then counts as two books. Those two books are The Lux Beginnings (contains book 1 and 2) and the Lux Consequences (contains book 3 and 4).

I did buy all of these books with my own money in case you guys were wondering except one. The book Kids of Appetite by David Arnold I had sent to me which I'm extremely greatful for.

I'd love to know if you've read any of these books or if you are planning on doing so or even if you're planning on picking them up soon. Leave any comments below. Be great to hear from you guys. 

I have actually not read any of these books yet but will defnitely be getting around to some of them real soon. To check out what I've read this year and what I'm currently reading add me as a friend on GOODREADS

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