Sunday 22 October 2017

The Sunday Post #11

The Sunday Post is a 'meme' created by Kim over at caffinatedbookreviewer. I came across her blog a while back and absolutely fell in love with it so definitely go check it out. I decided that I would participate in this every week simply because it will help me not only keep track of my blog but also it will add more personal information about me for you. So without further ado, my Sunday Post.

I've been getting back into my reading a lot more recently which is nice. I'm excited to see how many books I end up reading this year, hopefully I reach my goodreads goal of 50.

I haven't done an awful lot this week. I've just been reading a lot as well as seeing my nephew a lot and I had my first day of training on Friday for work. It was fire training and I got to have a go at using a fire extinguisher which was pretty cool. I know a lot of people try doing it in school and stuff but I've never done it so that was a nice experience. I also got to meet a few new people who also will be working within the same company, although I most likely will not see them haha.

I was also meant to take part in Dewey's 24 hr readathon yesterday but I didn't get around to uploading a post and honestly I'm so glad because I was so drained.

I've got 3 days of training next week now two of which are full days which kind of sucks because I'm just sat in a room listening and honestly guys I get super anxious in these situations and it makes me so uncomfortable and fidgety it's horrid. I'm hoping to get two reviews out next week as well as completely an extra book before October is over. Fingers crossed!!

Last Week On My Blog

◭   The Sunday Post #10
◮   Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella  :  Book Review

This Week On My Blog 

◭   The Sunday Post #12
◮   Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi  :  Book Review
◭   Lux Consequences by Jennifer L. Armentrout  :  Book Review 

New Arrivals To Chlo

Currently Reading 



  1. Lies looks interesting. Sometimes no new books is a good thing. Ya know I have never used a fire extinguisher that is cool you got to use one. Hope the week ahead is a good one for you Chloe.

    1. I'm about a qurter of the way through it and it's super fast paced so I'm really enjoying it. I know it was such a weird experience and I thought it was going to be way harder than what it was. Thank You Kim, you too!!!

  2. Glad that you’ve been enjoying reading lately. I have too. It feels amazing. I hope 6ou enjoy your new books and 6our training this week. Have a wonderful week. 😁❤️

    1. Yeah same it's been a good reading month for me so far I'm hoping it will continue!! I'm glad you have it's one of my favourite feelings reading a book and picking up another and another. Thank You Hope you have a great week too.
