Sunday, 6 August 2017

The Sunday Post #8

The Sunday Post is a 'meme' created by Kim over at caffinatedbookreviewer. I came across her blog a while back and absolutely fell in love with it so definitely go check it out. I decided that I would participate in this every week simply because it will help me not only keep track of my blog but also it will add more personal information about me for you. So without further ado, my Sunday Post.

This week has been a pretty busy week for me. It started off slow and not much was happening. I went for food with my sister and went to look at a house for my sister but that was it. Come Thursday, it was my nephew's 2nd Birthday which was exciting so I went to see him after he come home from a community farm. He was super overwhelmed with everything bless him. Then Friday I woke up at 4am to get ready to drive to Swansea (just over an hours drive away from where I live). I then had to wait in a waiting room whilst my boyfriend had surgery. So I did some reading, crossword and Sudoku. I also met this super nice old lady and was talking to her for an hour.

Eventually he came out of surgery a few hours later and finally go discharged from the hospital and we drove home. I was super tired and probably shouldn't have been driving but got home safe and sound at 6:30. Saturday it was my Nephew's party in a play area with all his little friends which was amazing. Before finally coming home having food, a nice bubble bath and finishing my book ready for today.

It's the start of the Make Me Read It Readathon too so my goal for this week is to finish the most voted for book which was... A COURT OF MIST AND FURY by Sarah J. Maas. I've read the prologue and first chapter so far. I can't remember a lot of it though so hopefully I'll get into it more today.

Hope you've all had a great week!!!

Last Week On My Blog

◭   Onyx (Lux #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout  :  Book Review
◮   Top 5 Wednesday  •  Book Covers I'd Like To Live In
◭   The Sunday Post #7
◮   Most Anticipated Reads For The End Of 2017
◭   Introduction to my Crime/Psych/Soci Series

This Week On My Blog 

◭   The Sunday Post #9
◮   Authors I Want to Read From
◭   Reading Habits + Readabits  •  Tag
◮   Monthly Wrap-Up + TBR  •  July/August 2017
◭   Frayed by Kara    :  Book Review

New Arrivals To Chlo

Currently Reading 


Did You Know?

Egyptian hieroglyphics, one of the many early writing systems, contains thousands of characters making it incredibly difficult to learn. Also several letters in modern-day English are descended directly from ancient Egyptian characters.


  1. I am glad your boyfriends surgery went good and that you got to spend time nephew for his birthday. They are a lot of fun at that age. Enjoy your week.

    Jenea's Book Obsession's Sunday Post

    1. Thank You. Yeah he's a bundle of joy and good as gold bless him, I'm the one who winds him up though and he absolutely loves it haaha :). Thank You, you too :D

  2. Good luck with the readathon! And glad the surgery went well. Your crime/ psych feature sounds pretty cool.

    1. Thank You, fingers crossed I get ACOMAF done this week because it's a pretty big book with tiny writing haha. I'm glad you think so, I'm excited to start it.

  3. Glad it went well. Hope you have a good reading week :) BTW, are you aware that you've been linking up the Sunday post from weeks ago every week? You always have to paste a new link it, it doesn't refresh :)

    1. Thank You, I hope so too going to try and get ACOMAF done within the next 3 days maybe? who knows, not the fastest reader :(. Oh no really? I didn't even know that. Thank You for telling me. I was wondering why I kept having comments on that one each week haha :)

  4. Happy to hear the surgery went well. Looking forward to your new feature. Good luck with the thon and have a great week!

    1. Thank You!! I'm super excited about it hope people enjoy it :). Thanks again, you too!!
