Sunday, 13 August 2017

The Sunday Post #9

The Sunday Post is a 'meme' created by Kim over at caffinatedbookreviewer. I came across her blog a while back and absolutely fell in love with it so definitely go check it out. I decided that I would participate in this every week simply because it will help me not only keep track of my blog but also it will add more personal information about me for you. So without further ado, my Sunday Post.

This week has been a very slow and boring week. I haven't done hardly any reading which sucks because it's now the end of the readathon. I started ACOMAF and I'm still only on page 150 because I can't bring myself to pick it up. I've gotten into a huge reading slump again. Just feeling super uninspired!!!

If you guys have any tips or tricks to get out of a reading slump without having to start a new book because I do want to finish this book, then please let me know in the comments.

Apart from that I haven't really done a lot. I started a Bullet Journal and have made a Amino account so go follow me on there if you have it : chloothomass

Hope your guys week has been better than mine haha.

Last Week On My Blog

◭   The Sunday Post #8
◮   Authors I Want to Read From
◭   Reading Habits + Readabits  •  Tag
◮   Monthly Wrap-Up + TBR  •  July/August 2017
◭   Frayed by Kara  :  Book Review

This Week On My Blog 

◭   The Gentlemans Guide to Vice and Virtue  :  Book Review
◮   Ian Brady + Myra Hindley  •  Crime #1
◭   The Sunday Post #10

New Arrivals To Chlo

Currently Reading 



  1. I'd set that daunting book aside (temporarily!) and pick up one of the new arrivals! Or power-through that book like you would if you were trying to finish a marathon.

    1. It's a nightmare. I feel I want to read something else but I hate having to put down another for it. I think I'm going to set myself a reading goal for today, maybe read 50 or so pages and see how it goes. Thank You for the help.

  2. Once I decided in my late 40's to DNF, I ended those terrible reading slumps. Sometime it is just me, and I have picked a book back up later and enjoyed it.

    1. I started a new book now but still only read one chapter. Think I'm going to take a break from it even if it's only for a few days!!

  3. Sometimes you just have to DNF a book if it is not working for you. Not everybody has the same taste in books, and many others might enjoy the very same book that you might not. There are so many books out there to choose from, there is no reason to make yourself reads something you don't enjoy. Pick up a new book and just might be your new favorite read. :)

    1. Well I tried reading a new book and I really enjoyed the first chapted but haven't picked it up since (last night). Giving reading a break for a few days to refresh my head I think!! Thank You for your advice :)

  4. If I want to finish a book but it's boring me I'll resort to skimming- you know the paragraphs where they're describing a room or something- see ya! Not great advice I know lol- but sometimes it helps me? Or I'll just read the dialogue only for a few chapters, to see if that jump starts it. :)

    Amd sometimes it's just a DNF, but I know not everyone likes to do that.

    I thought Love and Gelato was pretty good.

    1. I did try skimming but because it's such a big book I still found I couldn't be bothered. I sometimes do that and it helps though so you're not alone haha!! Thank you for the advice!!!

  5. Haha, I wish I knew! I usually just put the book away for a little while and read a new one, and when I'm ready I go back to it. Good luck with the slump anyway :)

    1. It's the worst feeling. I feel so unmotivated when I'm not reading :( But I'll give it a go in a few days let my head clear. Maybe that's what I need right now. Thank You!!!
