Sunday 26 November 2017

The Sunday Post #17

The Sunday Post is a 'meme' created by Kim over at caffinatedbookreviewer. I came across her blog a while back and absolutely fell in love with it so definitely go check it out. I decided that I would participate in this every week simply because it will help me not only keep track of my blog but also it will add more personal information about me for you. So without further ado, my Sunday Post.

It's been such a long week, or at least for me it has. I've been trying to get as many hours in work as I can so my pay doesn't look too bad when I get it next week. I'm telling myself it's going to be okay but deep down I know what a shit amount it's going to be, which sucks. I haven't done an awful lot this week other than work, sleep, eat and a bit of reading here and there. Not much to update you guys on, my life isn't exactly sociable at the moment which again sucks but what can you do? Hoping to finish the book I'm reading within the next day or two but not sure what I fancy picking up next...

Hope you all have had a lovely week :)

Last Week On My Blog

◭   The Sunday Post #16
◮   The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket  :  Book Review
◭   5 Star TBR Predictions 

This Week On My Blog 

◭   The Sunday Post #18
◮   Lies by T.M Logan  :  Book Review

New Arrivals To Chlo

Currently Reading 



  1. Sorry you've had a bit of a rough week - working a ton is never fun. That will be me the rest of this week because of missing due to sickness and holidays. I need to make up those hours, and get a bit more if I can to have a decent paycheck in a couple weeks. Sigh.


    1. It is a nightmare I'm working crazy hour this week I literally am going to feel like I'm not at home. It's not nice is it :( good luck!!

  2. I hate that you have to work extra hours and kill yourself to offset holiday time. Enjoy your new books, and I hope this week you find a little me time.

    1. It's horrible and I'm working even more hours this week but I'm definitely going to give myself quiet time and find breaks to have a read and watch some tv so I can relax a little you know... Thank You I'm really hoping to get to Pendulum super soon!!!

  3. Sorry you have to work so much for so little. That is always so disheartening. Enjoy your books!

    1. I agree it's not the best way to earn money but what can you do... Thank You!!!

  4. Sorry things have been hectic for you. I hope this week is better.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. With the hours I'm working this week it's going to be a lot worse but hopefully it'll be ok, I get my pay Friday thankfully!!!!
