Thursday 16 June 2016

Book Travelling Thursdays

Book Traveling Thursdays is hosted by Danielle @ Danielle's Book Blog  and Catia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much . It is all about picking a book that you have read that fits with that weeks topic and then looking at all the different book covers and then showing the following covers on you blog:

  • The original cover
  • Your country's cover
  • Your favourite cover
  • Your least favourite cover

Head over to their Blogs to find out more.

This weeks topic of choice is your favourtie debut novel. I had a look through my read shelf on Goodreads and decided to pick Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. I really enjoyed this book and gave it a 5 star rating on Goodreads.

Original Cover & My favourtie Cover (USA)

I love this cover book, I think it's absolutely stunning. I love the simplisity of the white background but also the the incrediable detail of all the colour and different images. Great looking book!

Least favourtie Cover

This is my least favourtie cover and it is from Czech. I just do not like anythign about this cover. I think it's boring and childish looking. I mean it's cute for a extremly young reader, I may have liked it back when I was like 6 years old, but to me now it is just not appealing at all. 


  1. I keep hearing about this book, but I haven't read it yet. The original cover is gorgeous! I agree with your choice for least favorite cover -- it's a good example of too much everything.

    1. You should definitely read it, it's a great read and very fast paced and easy to read!

      omg I absolutely love that "a good example of too much everything" That was a great quote even if it was unintentional haha :).

    2. Adding it to my TBR.

      Hahaha. It was unintentional! :-)

    3. Let me know what you think of it when you read it :D I'd really love to hear your thoughts.

      Well great nonetheless :-)

  2. Totally agree, from all I've seen, the Czech one is the worst!
    My BTT

    1. Thanks for taking time to check mine out :)

    2. I couldn't access your BTT, link it again?

    3. Oh, sorry! Here it is:
