July has gone and August is now upon us which means sharing with you guys all the books I bought within the month of July. If I'm completely honest I went a little overboard with the amount of books I bought last month. I didn't realise how many books I had actually bought until I decided to count them in order to share them with you guys and holy crap it's a lot. In total I bought 51 books in the month of July.
If any of the books I mention I have already read I will be sure to leave a link to the my review on that book in case you want to check it out.
Instagram Giveaway
The following books are all books I won due to entering a giveaway that was hosted on instagram. The winner was allowed to chose any books they wanted that was within the range of 20 Canadian Dollars. The books I deciced to pick for this was:
After recieving the books for the giveaway I decided to go on a mini book buying spree to get myself a handful of books.

I then went shopping with my mum and decided to pop into WHSmiths and buy myself a few more books whilst I was waiting for the rest to come back that I had ordered.
Secondhand Books
Whilst I was out shopping I also decided to pop into a few charity shops to see what I could get myself.
Late Night Shopping
That same night I then went to get a few snakcs from ASDA with my boyfriend and deciced to ick up three more books. (Getting out of hand I know).
Me and my bouyfriend decided (after i begged and begged him) that we would go in halves for the full set of books that I wanted.
I then recived a few books of my neighours all of the same author due to them seeing me read and asking if I enjoyed crime books and if I wanted any.

Recvieed from Publishers
After requesting this book I later received it in the post from Hodder and Stoughton in return for an honest review.
Book Review Links :
- The Grownup by Gillian Flynn
- I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid
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