Wednesday 3 August 2016

Top 5 Wednesday #7

It feels like so long since I posted a Top 5 Wednesday post guys but I definitely want to get back into them again. I've just been so busy and in such a slump lately I just haven't had time or felt like doing anything. But I'm back now and it's Wednesday which of course means another T5W.

This weeks topic is 'Books you feel differently about'. This means, chose any five books that you either loved and grew to dislike or really disliked but grew to like/love after either re-reading these books or giving it time to sink in after reading them.

A Court of Throns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

I gave this book a 3 out of 5 stars on my review but since reading it I find myself sometimes thinking about it and how much I actually really did enjoy it and how gripping the story and writing actually was for me. I actually am excited to pick up the second book when I come across it.

Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky

This book is another of which I gave 3 stars to. I read this quite a while ago now but thinking back to it I actually really want to carry on with the series which must mean I enjoyed it more than I thought right?

I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid

I recently read this book and was super disappointed with it. I gave it a 3 stars overall on my review. However I feel as though even though I wouldn't change the star rating of this book, it still qualifies for a place due to I feel I appreciate the story more after I've had time to really think and digest the information.

Confess by Colleen Hoover 

This is another book of which I definitely think I underrated. Colleen Hoover is a great writer and this story was just so easy to follow. I originally gave it 3 stars but looking back on it there were a few elements to the story that really stood out to me (and still do). If I were to change the rating I would bump it up to a 4 star.

The Dolls House by M.J. Arlidge

So guys if you've looked through my blog you know how much I love this series so far so why I ever rated this book a 3 stars I don't know. I definitely could bump this up to a 4 easily and maybe a 5 if I reread it or looked back over it. The story of this book or any of the books in the series that I've read so far are just page turners. I never want to put these books down. Highly Highly Highly recommend!!!

- What Books would/did you chose for this weeks top 5 wednesday topic?


  1. Oh no! I've been wanting to read I'm Thinking Of Ending Things!! Hmm...Maybe I should just see how it turns out? Great Top 5!
    My T5W!

    1. It's definitely worth the read so go for it. You may even enjoy it more than me. Thank you!!

      I'll check yours out now.
