Sunday 15 October 2017

The Sunday Post #10

The Sunday Post is a 'meme' created by Kim over at caffinatedbookreviewer. I came across her blog a while back and absolutely fell in love with it so definitely go check it out. I decided that I would participate in this every week simply because it will help me not only keep track of my blog but also it will add more personal information about me for you. So without further ado, my Sunday Post.

I have been super inactive on my blog for the longest time and that has sucked. I'm really trying to get into the hang of things again but it may take me some time. For the time being I'm thinking of only posting maybe one book review a week along with possibly something else. However it will not be a lot of content as I am struggling to find any motivation at the moment and would rather concentrate on my actual reading.

I started a new job next week which is exciting. It's only part time (16 hours a week) but hopefully it'll motivate me to do something other than sit in my house all day!! After I've completed training and started to settle into this job I will most likely be looking for some other work to do alongside this so I'm working more hours. (Hoping for something in the care industry which is what I'm going into now). 

This Week On My Blog 

◭   Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella  :  Book Review
◮   The Sunday Post #11

New Arrivals To Chlo

Currently Reading 



  1. I am happy if I post once a week. Sunday is a good time for me, as I can post and visit (at least) ten blogs. I feel energized when I see what other readers are doing, and it gives me ideas for other book events I can participate next weekend's 24-Hour Readathon.

    1. Yeah I think it's better to just post when you feel like it and when you have a bit of time of your hands otherwise it begins to feel like a chore!! I'm exactly the same I'm a sucker to see what people are reading or have read and it gives me motivation to read more :). I didn't know there was a 24 Hour Readathon next week. I think I might have to check that out. Thanks for letting me know!!!

  2. Well, glad you're back :) it's alright to be busy. Real life happens and you can't do much about it.
    Congrats on the new job!

    1. It's good to be back, I've missed it so much!! Yeah I guess so.
      Thank You, means a lot :D

  3. Good luck with the new job, and post when you can we all go through cycles.

    1. Thank You!! Yeah I'm probably going to sort a little schedule out for myself.

  4. good luck with the job! Sounds awesome!

  5. Congrats on the new job! Don't worry, you'll get back into the swing of things with your blog!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  6. No books?? Ha ha seriously though- congrats on the new job! Hope it goes well. And yeah blog when you can- it's more fun that way then forcing it. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. I know!!! Have no where for them :( Thank You I appreciate it a lot.
      I totally agree, plus sorry about the late reply hope you've had an awesome week!
